TIVIMATE - user manual

The manual covers daily use. For setting channels etc..., please refer to the installation manual .

If you have selected Do not autoplay last channel on startup you will get this screen.

If not, you get this when you escape (do the arrow back)

Now click three times on the channel you wish to watch to get the picture in full screen.

A. next channel: press arrow up for next channel. Press down arrow for previous channel.

B. Switchbetween 2 channels. Suppose you are watching A  and the next channel you want to watch is VTM2  Press escape after watching 1 and then select VTM2 (three times to large screen). You can go straight back to ONE by pressing the arrow right now. Arrow left takes you back to VTM2. (from full screen)

C. Display the last selected channels. Press OK again in full screen to view the last selected channels. Here you can view the TV guide or also clear the history or select a last viewed channel. Select with arrows and ok.

D. A few more icons are visible at the bottom.

 - three dots / dashes: Also takes you to the EPG (TV guide) but with a small image instead of the image behind the EPG as with TV GIDS Escape/back arrow takes you back to full screen. You can also select channel here

- magnifying glass: search for a channel. clockwork with anticlockwise arrow: shows the history.

- bell shows the reminders you have pre-programmed

- camera: shows your pre-programmed recordings

- double screen. Here you can divide the image into several screens and view several channels at the same time. Note: since you only have 1 connection at a time, the display will regularly stutter. But you can try. For example, I also do it to watch cycling and football at the same time. Choose add a screen and choose the channel you want to see second. You may need to click OK one more time to display Add screen.


The white bordered image is the image where you hear the sound.
Switching is done by arrows. You can add another screen by pressing ok again.

Up to four screens can be displayed simultaneously, but then you only get 1 frame per image (so everything stutters) (a second is 25 frames with 4 screens you only get 6 per second.

Don't need two screens anymore? Press arrow back.


- loudspeaker: if there are several sound streams in the stream, you can change them here. arrow left/ arrow right.
Sometimes the sound may not be completely in sync with the picture. You can adjust that here. It is about 1/1000 second adjustment.
-CC: Selects subtitle if there are more than one in the stream.
- screen with corners: Choose the display format : 16:9 4:3 etc
- chronometer crossed out:  sets the sleep timer until tivimate stops
- asterisk: add channel to favorites - radar: takes you to the settings.

E. Changing Country

We go back to this screen Now press the arrow left and open the different country maps. This can also be done from the TV guide.


Now choose another folder to be able to watch other channels. Click to the left again to get to the main menu.

RECORD And REMINDER see installation manual