When u installed the ATV Launcher app on your box, pressing the homescreen button will popup screen at the bottom.
U are now being asked whether u want to continue with the original media launcher or the ATV launcher.
Choose the ATV launcher and always.
Restart your box.
A. ATV launcher starts somewhat like below. No need to disable in the app "Disable Application"
B. Your box restarts with the same popup screen, asking u which media launcher to use. Go to apps "Disable Application" and disable the original media launcher on your box (Zzzz turns blue when deactivated). Restart the box to see if everything works. (Very rarely a box pops up the same menu again but after a while goes through. Sorry but I haven't found a way around so far.)

Your interface is now just about up and running.
There is now an empty space above applications. Here are the widgets that you can choose.
Move the mouse into this empty space or use the arrows. Now long press OK. A popup screen will appear.
Here we go:
A. choose the widgets for our home screen
B. Create Sections
C. divide the icons into different categories
D. hide the section- show the title of the section- the orientation and auto-arrange- change the size of the icons.
E. edit the icons
F. adjust the background.
G. Hide unnecessary apps

By default, the widget row is set to three widgets.
You can set several via Launcher settings-sections-widgets (see below)
Depending on where you click left center or right a widget can now be added.
Choose the widget.
This is but an example

More widgets?
choose Launcher settings - sections- widgets
You can now:
1. Show Sections: If you don't want to show this section at the end screen, uncheck it.
2. Show title: If you want to see the word WIDGETS on your home screen, turn it on.
3. Rows: Create multiple rows of widgets
4: Columns: Increase or decrease number of widgets in one row. Escape - back arrow and it's saved.choose PICK WIDGET Depending on where you click left center or right a widget can now be added. Choose the widget.

B. Create Sections
In the widgets section, long press OK to open the widget menu.
See beginning of manual.
Now choose launcher settings and then sections
Now choose Manage sections

1. Now choose Add section and give it a name.
You can swap the sections between them by dragging them with the mouse or by standing on them with the arrows, click ok and then move with the arrows.

If you are satisfied with the layout, choose Close.
C. divide the icons into different categories
Select an icon and keep pressing ok for 2 seconds.
A popup screen will appear.
The selected icon is larger than the rest.
With the mouse: stay on the icon and keep pressing OK. Now choose move to section. Choose the section you want it in.

This is an example of what we got so far.

We can swap the Icons between places in the row.
Long press on selected icon - click MOVE move by dragging with mouse or arrows.
Press esc/arrow back to end the move.

D. hide the section- show the title of the section- the orientation and auto-arrange- change the size of the icons.
Long press on an icon - launcher settings - sections -
now click on a section of your choice eg television.
Here you can:
1. Show section: hide or show the section
2. Show Title: hide or show the title
3. Change title: change the name of the section
4. Orientation: Vertical or Horizontal
5.sort: automatic or manual
6.Colums: The more the smaller the icons.

E. edit the icons Long press on an icon - choose configure from the applications menu

1. Display mode: picture and text to each other or under each other
2. Update icon
a. Show Icon: show the icon or just text
b. select icon: Choose another icon on your harddisk
c. scale icon: increase or decrease icon d. reset icon: back to initial value
3. Update Title: rename
4. Update background: Here you can change the color or even add your own image
5. show layer: shadow or not
6. border radius: from rectangle to rounded corners.

F. Edit background long press on a widget or icon.
Select launcher settings - wallpapers Turn on top.
Choose a different background.
It will take a while for this to appear.

G. Hide unnecessary apps.
If there are applications that you do not want to see on the home screen, you can hide them.
Long press icon - launcher settings - Hidden apps - check (green) what you want to hide.

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